Wednesday, May 26, 2010



  1. This is some weird distant memory for me. I loved these and forgot they even existed. Thank you so much.

  2. this just makes me even more sad about the current state of mainstream culture. is there still an outlet for this kind of thing? sure there's youtube, which is amazing sometimes... but this guy went on to have a series on MTV (the Head). I can't imagine that could ever happen today. can you imagine Beavis and Butthead getting produced today? makes me sad. whatever.

  3. oh never mind... i don't know why i bother getting upset about these things.

  4. Totally understand. It is interesting for me, because things like this used to be buried pretty quickly in mainstream culture but now they are available forever on the internet, which is part of mainstream culture. But things like Television rarely allow for stuff like this. I actually feel like the fact that this exists and that we can look at it is a good thing.
