Step in the Arena
6340 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 97206
971-212-2164 Daily Operation
Saturday and Sunday from 11 am to 7 pm
Tuesday and Wednesday from 1 to 7 pm
Thursday and Friday from 1 to 5 pm
That made my morning. I love how simpleminded that speech is. I'm so used to the old school crust speech of a Conflict/Crass song, where they go on forever, that intro just reinforces by bro-crust hypothesis. I am pretty mad that I never got to see them live. Tragedy never does all that polatrickin'.
That made my morning. I love how simpleminded that speech is. I'm so used to the old school crust speech of a Conflict/Crass song, where they go on forever, that intro just reinforces by bro-crust hypothesis. I am pretty mad that I never got to see them live. Tragedy never does all that polatrickin'.